People are making tattoo because of different reasons but in course of time a lot of people understand that they made a mistake and want to remove permanent tattoo. The reasons are also different: social status, peculiarities of profession, change of interests or new love, etc. Such service is proposed in most beauty salons but not in all cases complete removal is possible.
There can be defined several ways of tattoo removal. The most demanded and the most spread are the following ones:
- making of another tattoo (new one will be larger and colourful in order to cover the previous one totally);
- laser removal (one of the most effective and painless ways);
- operative treatment (removal of epidermis in the area of tattoo);
There are also many other ways of tattoo removal, both traditional and innovative. All of them have advantages and disadvantages.
Tattoo removal must be provided in respected beauty salons by qualified specialists in order not to infect skin. Provide the procedure at home by yourself is forbidden.
Before the tattoo removal it is necessary to consult an experienced specialist who will select the best way of procedure providing in your case.