At present time beauty industry becomes more and more innovative but people sometimes don’t understand the peculiarities of a certain service and therefore expectations are confused with reality. Laser hair removal is the brightest example.
Applying to beauty salons both women and men frequently expect some magic effect and then are not satisfied with the results. The following expectations cannot be brought into reality:
• Expectation: Unwanted hair disappears completely. Reality: Some 6-8 or even more sessions are demanded to get rid of 90% of undesirable hair.
• Expectation: The procedure is completely painless. Reality: Diode laser equipment affects the skin painlessly while other types may lead to some discomfort.
• Expectation: Such service is available for everybody. Reality: There exists a list of temporal and permanent counter indications for the procedure.
• Expectation: The procedure is cheap. Reality: Hair removal cost depends on such aspects as body area, laser equipment type, etc. But our beauty salon offers truly affordable prices.
Thus, laser epilating technique is effective and innovative procedure. That cannot be denied but don’t consider the technique as a magic. Some efforts are demanded.