Plenty of women are trying to get rid of the undesirable hair in bikini zone. There are several methods of achieving such aim and modern people select the safest ones. The most innovative and popular way is using laser equipment.
The main advantages lie in effectiveness and painlessness of the procedure. You may hear that such method helps to forget about undesirable hair for several months and it is absolute truth. Laser waves affect melanin that builds up a hair and destroy not only hair structure but even its follicles providing ideal smoothness and continuous effect.
Laser hair removal bikini in our beauty salon is proposed in two variants:
- classic hair removing;
- deep or Brazilian hair removing.
In the first case there removed the hair that can’t be covered by traditional swimsuit while the second procedure allows getting rid of all hair in bikini area.
We use diode laser for providing this procedure because such equipment shows the best result and may be used even for patients with sensitive skin.
All our cosmetologists are well-experienced and highly qualified. They have appropriate education and licences for depilation providing